What is ethics? Do you have one?
According to the dictionary, ethics is a moral principle or set of moral values held by an individual or group. Morals relates to Right or Wrong. Values are beliefs that a person feels very important. What's important to you may not be important to others.
Do you practice ethics in your workplace? Do you know the importance of work ethics? What are the benefits of displaying work ethics?
These are just few important questions that we need to answer to ourselves.
It's actually a delight to know that there are some employers who are still concern with the work ethics of their employees. This is a good sign. The success of the company does not only rely on the higher management. Every one from the team should practice ethics in the work place. If each individuals would dare do their part and avoid negativity, a big success is waiting for you and your business.
I was given a chance to facilitate a 1 day team building with the group of Shawill Corporation. One of the leading cosmetics company in the market.
It was an out-of-town venue to escape from the smokey busy city of Manila. We started with our 4 hour lecture and discussion in the afternoon and followed with games and activities for the team building session.
It was fun to work with SHAWILL Team. They are so receptive and cooperative.
An annual or quarterly team building can definitely make a big difference with the performance, creativity and productivity of your people.
Training a new or trained employees in a regular basis is so important. Learning must continue. A well informed and well trained employee is sure to bring better results. Educating and training your people especially on the area of their Work Ethics is like any of the important investments that you may put into your business. It will not only save time but will also save money.
Providing training to your employees is a good way to nurture them and build them in the process. Team building and training is an investment. It might be a little costly, but it's worth it.
More training, more learning!
Programs offered
o Self-concepts-understanding self
o Self-Esteem and Confidence Building
o Excellent Presentation
o Social Graces and Fine
o Dress Sense and Dress Codes
o Personality Trait Assessment
o Proactive vs. reactive language
o Managing Anger to remain cool
o Personal Brand attributes
o The art of Positive
o Winning Personality
o Mission-Vision alignment
Work Ethics
o Excellent Customer Service
o Effective Presentations
o Time Management
o Grammar Skills
o Managerial Leadership
o Change Management
o Business Problem Solving
o Advanced Interpersonal Communication
o Managing Performance
o Conducting Meetings
o Multi-tasking vs. Uni-tasking
o Mentoring
o Team Building
o Fashion sense and style *(personal shopping)
o Make-over Workshop
o Dress to success *(personal shopping)
o Make-up 101
o *Radiant Happiness- Inner Happiness
o *The Feminine Role vs. The Working Wife
o *How to get the Respect you deserve
o *The difference between US (man and woman)
o *Stress-free at Work
other services:
* Development of custom-tailored training program
based on Training Needs
* Facilitator on-call, should you have an existing
module / presentation.
What they say about
Coach Adae
I enjoyed the topics
of Coach Adae. She’s an A-1 when it comes to personality. It did not bore me.
Unlike other seminars that are purely lecture without getting the participants
involved in it. ---- Malou
The activities Coach
Adae prepared were all related to her
topic. In one of her activities, it was overwhelming to rediscover my qualities
written in a colored paper by my co-participants. Although there were also not
so good qualities written, it was still a pleasure to know that there is truth
in what they have written. –-----Nellie Eugenio
Fun, no dull moment,
educational and perfect for the group. ---------Jean
If there’ll be another
seminar like this, I would still prefer Ms. Ronadel to be the lecturer. She’s
good and she related her topics to realistic situations.---- Ana May
Topics are enriching
and she has put in some personal touches in all her lectures and activities. I
like the activities she prepared. –-----Mila Yutuc
Very educational and
full of life. –----- Lilia
We are blessed and
lucky to have you in our Personality Development Training and Workshop.
You touched our lives, we learned a lot and it's
a great experience working with you.
Continue touching and sharing your
"TALENT" to others.
Hoping for the next project, Thank you so much
and God Bless!
------ Sherly
Thank you so much for the seminar that you've
been discussed to us.(PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT)I learned and enjoy a lot, Thanks
for the inspirational video of Mr. Nick Vujicic (i watched it again!!! J) What
I like the most is when we discussed about being "PROFESSIONAL" and
being IMMATURE", hahahaha...
***I hope to see you again coach. -------
Rogelyn "Roge"
Thanks a lot for the knowledge that you have
shared to us.
In our workshop, it helps us to discover
ourselves and I am happy to know the impression of my officemates to me and
from now on I will change all the negatives habit before. I also appreciate all
the tips or ideas that you have gave us specially those that deals with our
personality I will follow all of that in order to be more efficient.
Once again thank you! thank you! And more thank
you! J J J
Hope we will met again! --- Irene
Coach Adae