Friday, October 30, 2015

BLOGAPALOOZA 2015 : It's My 1st Time!

Welcome to BLOGAPALOOZA SEASONS 2015, Adae2Remember's PHOTOBLOG Experience!

My friend and I arrived in ONE Esplanade, I think exactly 10 am! No, we're not excited....just extremely EXCITED! hahahaha!  We just don't like to miss a thing since we are both first timer with this BIG ONE!

The not so Excited Blogger , she's there at 10am till 9pm!
What is Blogapalooza? 

Let me define it my own way...B2B, Business to Blogger is a venue for potential business clients and bloggers to get a chance to meet, greet and have a quick chit chat together. This can be a start of building new connection with each other. As a blogger, I also enjoyed this B2B! I finally met the peeps I have worked with online for some campaigns and projects. This is a good event that we should support and should not miss every year. 

First of all, I would like to thank the official meal/lunch provider of this annual big event. They served their best from their menu. I had the ribs, it's so yummy though spicy...BAGWINGS was a blast!

just a quick interview with the BAGWINGS Man

I enjoyed the spicy + tasty back ribs = A good partner for margarita...

Since I do not like to show any favoritism, just to let you know that this is in random order.  As much as I wanted to remember everything, due to some memory lapses, I write down what comes to my mind first and so on. Detailed information of the products will be discussed on my individual write up. This will only show the list of the products and companies and my brief experiences during the Blogapalooza event.

I honestly did not expect much but I experienced a lot in this event. This is my first time and I have nothing to make any comparison with. Though I have few suggestions since I also work in organizing events. Not really a major blunder.

But, all in all, the event was great! May not be perfect, but it's awesome! Thanks to all the staff and organizer who pulled everything to make this Blogapalooza 2015 a success!


It's cool! On the spot hair and scalp analysis! My result is a good news, it's normal. No worries to use Regroe yet, toink! Maybe I could share this to my other unfortunate friends with hair loss problem.

With Bette, my dear college BFF, my recruit for blogging...



I love playing golf as long as Mr. Sunny is away

No. 3 SOSRO Fruit Drinks


No. 4 SMDC The Good Guys


Yayks! Is this my twinnie? 





Will definitely fly to JaPan soon!

Won this Black Classy Travel Bag
A simple on the spot short blog about SMDC!

I absolutely learned from their discussion

Thanks to these AWESOME GUYS!

Best wishes to the coming 2016 Blogapalooza Event

note: This is just a preview...more content this weekend. For the meantime, enjoy my simple photoblog.

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