Saturday, September 5, 2015


31st of August 


How was your long weekend? Were you able to spend it wisely? Was it productive? What about your NHD? How were you able to celebrate your 31st of August?  Did you go on a long planned trip?  Well, just asking..peace to all!

We do not have to be rich and well educated to become a hero to others. A simple act of kindness will do...We give not because we have plenty, we give because we know the feeling of having none...Happiness can not always be equated to material things.

After making our little girl happy on her 7th birthday, I got a chance to make other people happy too.  I have a friend who regularly spend her birthday in an orphanage.  Few days ago, I got her invitation to join her and her group.  Tired from the birthday preparation and all, I was so undecided whether to join or not.  The night before her event I only thought that if I will be able to wake up early I could probably join them.  Low and behold, I woke  early and just on time to hit the road.

It was my first time to visit an orphanage.  A place where abandoned children are being taken cared of. I was  reminded, when I was young, I told myself  that I will make myself  rich and build orphanage for the homeless  kids.  I almost forgot that one.  This experience made me realize and refresh the desires of my heart.

I was surprised to learn that they were not just abandoned by their biological parents because they do not want them.  They left them because of their disabilities.  Some kids have cerebral palsy, limbless , deaf, blind and handicapped. 

Oh, there's a happy part though...We had a program! See all the photos! Words are not enough to describe this event.

Prayer Time

We started our celebration with a beautiful prayer.

Feeding Time
We fed them like our small babies. You can see their happy faces!

The guy in gray shirt has a competition to attend too in few days! 

Gift Giving

Gifts doesn't have to be branded or expensive.  It's the thoughts that counts. It's better if your giving comes from the bottom of your heart.

This boy seemed not to be affected with his physical condition.
 He smiles a lot and can even show thumbs up!

They have basic needs too.


We were assigned to pick our own partner for the day. To take care of them even for a short period of time.  You can see young volunteers in our group. They enjoyed and had so much fun doing something for strangers yet a family in our hearts.

He's always smiling!

My partner may be blind but he's working as massage therapist.  Visit him @ Makati Square Mall!


And of course, we ended with a word of prayer and thanks giving.

*This article is not to brag about what we did last holiday.  I'm just sharing the experience, it was priceless! 

It's a humbling experience to see them in person and hand the gifts to them.  An amazing feeling!

I hope that we can all have a  heart to make a difference not only to the normal people around us.  These kids also need us...

I thank my friend, who invited me to witness a simple act of kindness that can make a difference in the hearts of those who are silently in need.

Here's the challenge! Can you spend your birthday or any of your holiday with them instead of throwing huge parties or a week out of town or out of the country trip?  

Let us complain less...and give more.

You can be a hero in your own way...find out how.

This happened inside the compound of Caritas Manila IncJesus St,Pandacan, Manila, 1011 Metro Manila.

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