Friday, October 11, 2019

Send your Christmas Greetings with the NEW Mango Chantilly Cake from GOLDILOCKS!

Like an unspoken signal, the start of “Brrr” months signify the beginning of celebrations, from birthdays, Early Christmas parties or simply a random get together with friends. A festive spirit begins to fill the hearts and minds of us Filipinos.

As a constant companion during these activities, Goldilocks, the country’s number one bakeshop has been at the forefront as the celebration cake of choice which caters to every occasion. With their large selection of greeting cakes, the world-famous bakery is still the go-to for hassle free gifts ready at a moment’s notice.

This notion of variety and convenience is further highlighted with Goldilocks’ Mango Chantilly Cake! A masterpiece made of layers of decadent mango and vanilla chiffon, filled in with rich Italian icing and fruity mango jam which is then decorated with intricate mango marshmallows, giving us the perfect match of fruity goodness and sweet satisfaction and with over 730 branches nationwide, there will always be a Goldilocks store for you to turn to for any type of celebration

Grab this and many other greeting cake greats at any Goldilocks Bakeshop nationwide! For more information, you may also follow Goldilocks on Twitter or Instagram at @GoldilocksPH, on the Goldilocks Facebook page, or at the official Goldilocks website at

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