Thursday, April 27, 2023

It's officially Summer Days, expect Summer Lice Days

Summertime is one of the most exciting seasons for children. It is the perfect opportunity for them to go on vacations, embark on outdoor escapades, spend quality time with friends, and create the most cherished childhood memories. Playing outside under the sun for hours with both old and new friends is undoubtedly an activity that creates the fondest memories. In addition, it builds a child’s confidence, communication, and social skills.

However, being exposed outdoors also poses harm to our children. In a study conducted by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of the Philippines, over 54.7% of the population of primary school children are infested by head lice, or kuto – a tiny parasite that feeds off human blood from the scalp of its host, which renders no benefit but rather pure discomfort, irritability, hassle, and other more serious conditions such as skin infection.

With the goal to continuously raise awareness on head lice infestation issues and promote prevention, Lamoiyan Corporation, maker of Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo shares tips and hacks to equip moms on how to achieve a kuto-free summer with their kids!

Tip #1 Minimize Head-to-Head Contact

Head lice do not fly, hop, or jump from one head to another. In fact, their only mode of transmission is through head-to-head contact and the sharing of personal hair accessories according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). During playtime, children may naturally put their heads together, and a good way to minimize these interactions is to put long hair in a ponytail or braid. A small amount of hair spray can also help contain stray hairs. Children can also be taught the importance of privacy and ownership of personal belongings to maintain good hygiene. The best approach to instilling habits in children is to help them understand the underlying reasons – making it more likely they will follow through and eventually adopt the habits as their own.

Tip #2 Identifying the Problem

Always take precautions. A John Hopkins Medicine article shared that knowing that your child is infected as early as possible is already the first and most important step in helping them. One of the earliest and most common symptoms is your child's frequent head scratches which is due to the itchiness caused by the bites of the tiny parasites. The same CDC article said that the best way to confirm is to look for live lice. First, you must wet your child’s hair and dampen it a little bit, just enough to eliminate water from dripping. Then, use a special fine-toothed comb locally called “Suyod” to detect and remove lice

Tip #3 Prevent Contamination

If a lice infestation is confirmed, containing the problem is needed to avoid its further spread according to the article from John Hopkins Medicine. Anyone is a possible host as long as their scalps are inhabitable for the lice to survive. This indicates that parents, people working in childcare, and entire families can be affected. Washing pillowcases, blankets, and any shared items that touch the head may help contain the lice. Nonetheless, head lice transmission through inanimate items is uncommon, but not impossible.

Tip #4 Reducing the Damage

While almost every Filipino household possesses a suyod, it is not a recommended tool for eradicating lice infestations. It may remove lice and nits that get stuck in the middle of the teeth of the comb, but it won’t essentially stop their spread. In fact, pagsusuyod should only be done moderately, as too much use of the comb may damage the scalp, causing open wounds that allow germs and bacteria to enter the body and cause more harm. It is advisable to use it right after using Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo to remove any remainders—if there are any!

Tip#5 Using the Right Treatment

Avoid home remedies and use scientifically proven treatments. Home remedies such as petroleum jelly, mayonnaise, kerosene, essential oils, or olive oil are ineffective and pose adverse effects such as skin irritation and inflammation. They can also reach the eyes of children, which can affect their eyesight. Using clinically proven products such as Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo exudes 100% confidence, backed by experts in safely eradicating lice in children—no side effects included. It contains pyrethrin, a natural active ingredient proven effective in eliminating head lice. Although it is indeed recommended to rely on natural treatments, it is always best to let scientists handle the science.

While lice infestation is considered the second most common problem in children, it is neither inevitable nor untreatable. With enough preparation and the right knowledge, mommies can be assured of their children’s safety while having fun under the sun. Making sure that children experience their childhood as free and fun as it can be is one of the best ways to express love and affection to them.

To learn more about Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo, visit

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