Tuesday, December 13, 2016

PhilCare’s Health Vantage: Your Partner to Keeping Your Family Healthy

For millions of Filipinos working around the world, the decision to work far from their loved ones is fueled by their desire to provide a better future for their families. In fact, numbers from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) estimate that there are 2.5M Filipinos working outside the country in 2015.

Anywhere in the world, there is a Filipino toiling in unbearable heat of the desert or the unforgiving cold of the snow, getting their strength from thoughts of going home to a secure future:  kids with good college education, a house that is both beautiful and comfortable, and the possibility of a secure retirement when the time to forego the contract renewal comes.

While a comfortable future is something that all Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) have always dreamed of, its also understandable that on top of their mind is the health of their family. Because even if its possible to send money to cover expenses due to sudden illnesses and hospitalizations, the emergency nature of illnesses is bound to drain the familys finances.  Sooner or later, it could be the money intended for this months grocery or utility bills, your kidstuition fees or for the retirement fund.

This is the premise behind PhilCares Health Vantage, a prepaid health card that provides coverage for emergency care and hospitalization for viral and bacteria illnesses, treatment of injuries resulting from accidents except for cerebrovascular accidents (stroke), accepted in over 500 PhilCare-accredited hospitals nationwide.

The best thing about the Health Vantage card is that you can choose your card of preference according to your budget. As a family bread winner, the flexibility in pricing allows OFWs the convenience to budget according to your finances and schedule your purchase based on the type of access that you need.

The Health Vantage packs a punch when it comes to its features:  it covers emergency room care and hospitalization inclusive of doctors fees, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, room and board, and medicines (except vaccines and vitamins) as medically necessary during confinement except for cases declared as non-coverable. The card can be used multiple times within one-year period up to plan benefit limit, and comes with a Php 50,000 accidental death and dismemberment coverage and Php 10,000 life insurance coverage.

Availing of your very own Health Vantage cards is easy and hassle-free. Log on to www.philcare.com.ph and click SHOP NOW. You can pay for your purchases using your credit card or through any of PhilCares third party partners. 

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