Wednesday, June 19, 2019

AVON's new Free As A Butterfly watch is a purposeful gift for the strong women in your life

AVON’s Free as a Butterfly watch supports NGOs that empower abused Filipinas. For just P899, you can help women achieve the freedom to live a safe and healthy life.

AVON is continuing its mission to help end violence against women and girls with its latest addition to the Free as a Butterfly collection, a special butterfly watch.

In line with the company for women’s #Stand4Her campaign, the watch raises funds to help female victims of abuse. As an advocate for women’s freedom to live a safe and healthy life, AVON is taking concrete measures to address the issue of abuse, which continues to hold many women back from achieving their full potential.

A gift with purpose, the Free as a Butterfly watch is a perfect token for the strong women in your life. F it for anyone, whether it’s your mother, sister, spouse, or friend, the watch is symbolic of empowerment, resilience, and beauty.

At just P899, the watch supports AVON’s partner NGOs committed to supporting women and girls who have survived different forms of abuse. P100 of every piece purchased goes straight to helping empower these women. 

The fight against gender-based violence is just one pillar of #Stand4Her, a movement by women, for women. With this platform, AVON is also working to provide more earning opportunities for women, raise awareness on breast cancer detection, and help women feel more represented, celebrating each one’s unique brand of beauty. 

If you want to learn more about our partner NGOs, do not hesitate to contact them: Luna Legal Resource Center for Women and Children in Davao at (082) 222-3448, Gender Watch Against Violence and Exploitation (GWAVE) in Dumaguete at (035) 422-8405 or 0915 259 3029, Women’s Care Center. Inc. (WCCI) in Manila at (02) 514-4104 or 0999 577 9631, and Ing Makababaying Aksyon (IMA) in Pampanga at (045) 323-4750.

Learn more about Avon's Stand4Her and join us as we make a stand fm women today by checking out this video: httpzllbit.Iy/AvonPH-Stand4Her.

Don't have an Avon Representative? Visit www.avon. oh or like and check out Avon Philippines on Facebook to find out how you can shop your favorite Avon products!

About Avon

For 130 years Avon has stood for women: pmviding innovative, quality beauty products which are primarily sold to women, through women. Millions of independent

Representatives across the wand sell iconic Avon brands such as Avon True Color and ANEW through their social networks, building their own beauty businesses on a full or part-time basis. Avon supports women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship and wellbeing and has donated over $1billion to women’s causes through Avon and the Avon Foundation. Leam more about Avon and its products at

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