Saturday, June 27, 2020

3 Things I learned in Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine period caught as us all by surprise. No one was ready or even prepared for this historical event. It has caused us fear, anger, confusion, depression, stressed and mixed emotions. How are we able to overcome all these? I bet we all have our own ways to handle this new battle. I just want to share the many things I learned in this trying times. But here are the best three things...

  That time is precious

During the Enhanced Community Quarantine, I was able to find more time to do a lot of things that I have never done before.  Firstly, I was able take care of my family with proper care. Yes, I do take care of them, but it’s different during the ECQ situation.  Since my hubby started working from home after the announcement of ECQ , I was able to wake up early in the morning and not hurry that much to prepare for his breakfast.  I usually failed to prepare good food for my husband before he goes to work and that's a shame.  This new normal that they are calling, gave me an opportunity to serve him real healthy and well prepared food on the table. We also had more family meal time together while watching movies, which we do not normally do. 

The ECQ experience brought me back to the basic of listing down important grocery or market items for faster execution.  No more wasting of time to just walking around the shop and pick whatever I see on the shelves. Avoiding people around who don’t even practice social distancing added stress on my grocery or market time. I made it a point to just go out when it’s really needed. ECQ made me schedule my grocery and market day at least once in 2 weeks time. 

I was able to continue with my urban gardening hobby as well.  It all started from pots and now I have a mini garden by the garage and at the rooftop.  I decided to plant edible plants like vegetables and fruits. It has supplied me with ready green leaves for my cooking. I'm loving my line "from garden to kitchen". The quarantine period actually gave me a chance to re-unite with my neglected plants.

Another good part that I also appreciate during the ECQ is the availability of most of my accountability group, members and leaders. We’re able to set our regular weekly fellowships online despite our distance, despite covid-19 craze.  We believe that we should not get tired of meeting together. We continue studying God's word and praying together as a family and as disciples of Christ. I really love having our support group. It's always a refreshing moment spending time with these wonderful women of God. Thanks to our advance technology that God had provided.

The truth is, I was able to do much with my time during the ECQ, and there’s no regret about it. I was also able to slow down, pause and think things through. Realizing that time is really precious. Something that we can not win back or even turn back. 

  That right perspective is important

I searched for the meaning of perspective through google and it says “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.  Having the right perspective helped me a lot in facing the giants in my life. This pandemic is an extra ordinary GIANT to face. I always look up and ask from the One who knows everything. I learned to let go and let God do His work. I do my part and leave everything to Him. We need to have the right perspective in life. That we have to focus on God, not on how big our problem is, but on how BIG our GOD is. 

Sharing with you what I just learned from the Sunday service with Pastor Peter Tan Chi. 

Our way of thinking affects our emotion and our emotion affects our action. We need to have the right perspective especially at times of trials and difficulties like Covid-19 pandemic.

We need to switch from our worldly perspective to GOD's perspective.

  That GOD is in control

The covid-19 pandemic may have caused us many troubles, not only with our financial situation, but with our psychological state, emotional stability as well as our spiritual walk.  Perhaps others would have questioned people, government and even God with the hardships that we have experienced in the past few months. But one thing I learned,  to put my trust in the Lord, as He comforts me and my family with His promises.

The covid-19 pandemic and quarantine period has brought so much changes and it must have enlightens us all that nothing is permanent, nothing is for sure to stay in this world, but there’s only one thing that is certain, that God is in control. 

There are so many things to be thankful for despite our present situation. We just need to have the right perspective in life. Realize that time is an expensive commodity. And acknowledge that God is in control.

This story is an entry to ComCo Southeast Asia’s “Write to Ignite Blogging Project”. The initiative is a response to the need of our times, as every story comes a long way during this period of crisis. Igniting and championing the human spirit, “Write to Ignite Blog Project” aims to pull and collate powerful stories from the Philippine blogging communities to inspire the nation to rise and move forward amidst the difficult situation. This project is made possible by ComCo Southeast Asia, co-presented by Eastern Communications and sponsored by Electrolux, Jobstreet and Teleperformance.

What makes me move forward? Knowing the truth God is good and He is in control.

Feel free to write your comments below. Happy reading!


My Everyday Blessings said...

thanks for this ...its very inspiring specially in this pandemic crisis...

Benamags said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and learnings. May God continue to use you and your life to be a blessing to others.

BaliwageNews said...

Good read! Yeah, God is in control.

Letters & Ink said...

Good read! Thanks for sharing your positive outlook amidst the pandemic. This surely will help more people to have a better perspective when situations such as this arise.

Unknown said...

worth reading �� thanks for sharing this positive vibe Ninang, it must be spread ! ❤️

Quen Gavan said...

God indeed is in control. We will be victorious on this battled with God on our side. Stay safe and healthy!

Impyang Burinchang said...

"There are so many things to be thankful for despite our present situation. We just need to have the right perspective in life. Realize that time is an expensive commodity. And acknowledge that God is in control" ... This is a realization that everyone should have already realized by now... I hope to see more of of your writings such as this one... It make the readers find the positive to whatever negative that may happen around ... more power :-)

MariChrisA. said...

Nice Adae!... Time is utilized well.... FAMILY ❤️... your Passion����...Spiritual Growth and sharing God‘s Word.����.... beautiful combination... God is smiling!... ��u!...

Adae To Remember said...

Thank you for reading this. May God bless us always. Keep safe.

Adae To Remember said...

Thank you for the appreciation. My heart is full.

Adae To Remember said...

Thank you and God bless you!

Adae To Remember said...

Thanks! Truly, only God is in control.

Adae To Remember said...

Thank your reading my work. Yes, there's always good i every situation. God bless and stay safe.

Adae To Remember said...

Salamat inaanak!

Adae To Remember said...

Yes, indeed. Stay safe and God bless!

Adae To Remember said...

A grateful heart counts. Thank you for taking your time to read my blog. Stay safe and God bless!

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