Sunday, May 20, 2018


Summer is not over yet and workshops for our kiddos are still on going. My daughter and I got a chance to visit Gardenia Philippines, Wednesday last week. We were able to experience a tour around the factory as well as the kids. It was our first time and we found the factory amazing.
You and your children will definitely enjoy the adventure inside the big factory of freshly baked breads in the Philippines.
My daughter had so much fun and even asked to go back there if though we even haven't left the place. The experience was awesome. The photos can reveal that.
Abi's Gardenia Kiddie Workshop Experience

What is Gardenia Summer Workshop

Gardenia opened its first ever Kiddie Workshop in 2017 to hundreds of kids who enjoyed an – ultimate bread journey workshop experience.

The workshop included fun-filled, educational learning activities such as storytelling, plant tour guiding, art session, proper hand washing and healthy eating habits lecture, cooking class, and mascot appearance.

This year, the workshop does not only aim to provide an enjoyable experience to the kids but also firsthand learning experiences for them. It will have a new set of exciting activities wherein kids will learn and have fun at the same time.


·         kids ages 5-10 years old (accompanied by one parent or guardian)

Note: if kids are not in this age bracket but are already capable to participate in the activities, they are welcome to join.



1.              Fill out the Gardenia Kiddie Workshop registration form here: or

download and fill out the form at Gardenia Plant Tour Facebook page (@GardeniaFactoryTour).

2.       Send the accomplished form via Facebook PM or thru email at

3.       Bring empty packaging of the following Gardenia products on the day of the workshop:

a. 1 loaf packaging

b. 1 pandesal/bun packaging

c. 1 Creamroll packaging

d. 1 Pocket Sandwich packaging

e. 1 Twiggies packaging

4.       Bring any ID that indicates the kid’s date of birth on the day of the workshop.



·         Introduction to Bread Making, Story Telling, Plant Tour, Art Sessions, Bread Store Junior Crew, Baking Class, and a whole lot more exciting surprises!


·         Trunk line: (02) 889-8990 | (049) 539-1136 to 40 local 258

·         Mobile: 0917-894-2341 | 0920-911-4606

·         E-mail:

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